Amphosca Ovaryn (Female)

Amphosca Ovaryn (Female)


2 reviews for Amphosca Ovaryn (Female)

  1. Ayesha

    This medicine has improved 50 percent of my symptoms in just one month.

  2. Abid Ali Homeopath

    Amphosca tablet is a homeopathic medicine that is used to treat physical, intellectual, and sexual fatigue in women. It is a combination of several homeopathic medicines, including Ambra Grisea, Ovaryn (Female), Sepia Officinalis, Conium Mac., Gelsemium, Agnus Castus, Selenium Met., and Valeriana Off. All of these medicines have been chosen for their ability to address the specific symptoms and issues that are associated with fatigue in women.

    Ambra Grisea is a homeopathic remedy that is used to treat nervous exhaustion and weakness. Ovaryn (Female) is used to address hormonal imbalances that can lead to fatigue in women. Sepia Officinalis is used to treat physical and emotional exhaustion, as well as menstrual and reproductive issues. Conium Mac. is used to address mental and physical fatigue, as well as other symptoms related to hormonal imbalances. Gelsemium is used to address physical and mental exhaustion, as well as anxiety and nervousness. Agnus Castus is used to address sexual exhaustion and other issues related to sexual health. Selenium Met. is used to address weakness, exhaustion, and other symptoms related to hormonal imbalances. Valeriana Off. is used to address nervous exhaustion and sleep issues.

    Together, these homeopathic medicines work synergistically to address the physical, intellectual, and sexual fatigue that many women experience. They are safe, natural, and effective, and can be used as a standalone treatment or in combination with other therapies. Amphosca tablets are a popular choice among women who are looking for a safe and effective way to address their fatigue and improve their overall health and wellbeing.

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